Food Safety Software Provides Traceability for Snack and Bakery Production

InfinityQS in the News: Raw materials and ingredients are generally tracked by lot number—which is assigned by the supplier or internally at receipt, says Jude Holmes, client solution engineer, InfinityQS, Fairfax, VA. Similarly, products in an intermediate operation or process, like mixing, and finished products tend to have assigned lot numbers, as well. “Enterprise quality management systems have the ability to collect data on receipt of ingredients and to associate their lot numbers to intermediate and/or finished product lots to create a ‘lot genealogy.’ This provides end-to-end traceability of a product’s entire life cycle within a production site.”

Manufacturers can develop lot reports to show where a given ingredient was used, as well as what ingredients were used in a finished product lot, notes Holmes. In the event of a food safety issue, they can significantly simplify and speed up the otherwise time-consuming and expensive task of identifying and recalling affected lot numbers, protecting consumers and their business as a whole.

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